How the Flu Differs From Other Viruses

How the Flu Differs From Other Viruses You have to be cautious when looking at the differences between a common cold and the flu. While the two may seem similar in nature, the flu can be more severe. The flu is also attributed to the missing of daily responsibilities, including school, work or family obligations because of fatigue or other symptoms. Further complications could even lead to hospitalization. Fatality is not uncommon, especially in those who are more susceptible, including young children, seniors, and people with immune deficiencies. Not only does the flu take an incredible toll on the body, but developing health problems impact a person's entire life, up to and including possible life-threatening worries. Throughout the years the fight against the flu has had to adapt to the changing nature of the bug. How the Flu Differs From Other Viruses The flu concerns lie mainly with the respiratory tract but are not exclusive to that area. When the fl...