
Showing posts from May, 2020

How to Enhance Body Immunity?

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic , humans have been taking the required precautions like the use of masks, social distancing, minimal private interactions, etc. Despite the observance of these measures, it is pretty vital that one must possess top immunity to combat the new Coronavirus contamination and different illnesses. The immune machine is imperative for our survival. Without it, our bodies would be open to assault from bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more. It maintains us wholesome as we come throughout a giant wide variety of pathogens. It unfolds during the physique and includes many kinds of cells, organs, proteins, and tissues. It has a one-of-a-kind potential to distinguish our tissue from overseas tissue. Dead and inaccurate cells are additionally diagnosed and cleared away through it. How-to-Enhance-Body-Immunity If it encounters a pathogen, a bacterium, virus, or parasite , it mounts a so-called immune response . An immune response is a response th...

It's Not Criminal To Be COVID-19 Positive!

The modus operandi is rather strikingly similar: a likely COVID19 patient is called a 'suspect'; on that suspicion s/he is put under quarantine which can be similar to 'house arrest'; investigations begin to trace the source of his/her 'infection' (crime?) and to collate the information about all his/her 'contacts' or the persons s/he was last seen with; if a patient is found in a larger society building the whole building is immediately 'sealed' meaning no person can either leave or enter the premises. Let the similarity ends there. The essential point worldwide is that the authorities have no other alternative to effectively control the virus, and so nothing in that should imply a crime of any sort. People know and understand this, but act differently when it happens near or threatens to happen near him/her. Image Source - Google | Image by -   Marco Verch Professional Photographer and Speaker Since it is a human-to-human virus susp...